During COVID-19, we all need to take care of our physical, psychological, and spiritual health. All of this requires intentional practices during this unprecedented and disorienting time.
How do you stay centered and peaceful during a time like this?
Our empirical research reveals Enneagram style triggers and Harmony Triad practices that help us let go and open to God.
We offer you an invitation
to join us on a daily retreat from:
Saturday-Sunday on Zoom*.
The retreat gatherings will be:
Saturday at 8:00-8:20 a.m.,
and Sunday a retreat practice will be one element during the service.
Daily Retreat Time for Saturday
Mar 28, 2020 08:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)Join Zoom Meeting:
If you can’t join us LIVE, don’t worry, all will be recorded and posted on our website afterward (ccmonline.org) either way; we will take you on a retreat journey during this quarantine time.
Please pray for us because we are retreating in a way that is brand new to us! We might have tech challenges, and we may have personal problems, but we’ll do it together.
Lastly, share this with your friends and family and let’s help one another find God in the midst of all that is uncertain for our world. “Into the Unknown” together we will find God in our midst!
With faith, hope and especially love,
Clare and Scott
*Zoom is a FREE online platform and app that works similarly to Skype or FaceTime on your device (phone, tablet, or computer). Click on the Zoom link and follow the prompts to join the meeting on the date/time listed above.