We use the Enneagram (a personality style map) as a model for spiritual transformation and discipleship at Crossroads. The Enneagram tool helps people know God, know themselves, and have deeper compassion for all those around them. We offer periodic workshops, retreats, and small groups that help people live more fully alive and into their true self, their God-created and God-reflecting self.
What is the Enneagram?
You may or may not have heard about the Enneagram personality tool. We use this personality tool as part of our spiritual formation model.
If you search the web on “Enneagram” a lot of strange and confusing information can come up…just as if you Google any medical symptoms you have…you could think you have some rare tropical disease. In order to clear up any confusions, we have some trusted resources we recommend listed below. Some are from trusted business or psychological models, some are from a Trinitarian perspective including curriculum written by our pastors, Clare and Scott Loughrige.
Please use these resources if you want to know about the Enneagram, including the spiritual history it has in the church, and how it can be used as a tool to help people understand their God-given identity and help bring Christ-centered Spiritual transformation.
Enneagram at Crossroads:
The Enneagram has been used as a discipleship tool across our congregation through our Crossroads Transforming Retreats and participation in the ©iEnneagram Motions of the Soul (MOS). Below our the stories of people in our congregation who have seen the Enneagram as a tool of transformation in their life.
Enneagram History:
For more detailed information, read the history section in the Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram book by Calhoun/Loughrige.
Recommended Web Sites:
InterVarsity Press has created an Enneagram website specifically for Christians as a central place to find resources and articles that help us (and others) advance on our journey toward wholeness and God. The idea for the Enneagram Today web site was born to be a curated collection of Enneagram resources and articles for evangelical Christians.
Recommended Facebook Pages:
Enneagram Motions of the Soul: Clare and Scott Loughrige
Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram
Recommended Enneagram Series on YouTube:
Crossroads Church and Ministries “Enneagram: A Tool for the Good News” Series
Recommended Books:
Books by Pastor Scott and Pastor Clare Loughrige:
- “Motions of the Soul: The Enneagram and Ignatian Spirituality” by Clare Loughrige
- “Enneagram Personality Styles: A Tool for Self-Knowledge and Transformation” by Clare Loughrige
- “Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram: A Handbook for Harmony and Transformation” by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun, Doug Calhoun, Clare Loughrige, Scott Loughrige, Jerome Wagner (Foreword)
Books by other trusted Christian Authors:
- “The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self” by Ian Morgan Cron, Suzanne Stabile
- “The Path Between Us: An Enneagram Journey to Healthy Relationships” by Suzanne Stabile
- “The Sacred Enneagram: Finding Your Unique Path to Spiritual Growth” by Chris Heuertz
- “Mirror for the Soul: A Christian Guide to the Enneagram” by Alice Fryling
Recommended Articles
Articles by Pastor Clare Loughrige:
- Building Bridges: Christianity’s Conflicted Relationship with the Enneagram
- Back to the Future: Motions of the Soul and The iEnneagram
- Enneagram: What is it?
Articles by Christianity Today:
Articles by Others:
- “The FAQ’s: What Christians Should Know About The Enneagram” – A Response to Joe Carter’s TGC blog
- “The Enneagram of Harmony: Reconciling Opposites” – Leslie Hershberger
Recommended Enneagram Training & Certification Courses
- Enneagram Workshops/Retreats – An accredited training program with the International Enneagram Association. Certified: ©iEnneagram Practicioner
- ©Ienneagram Training/Certification – An accredited training program with the International Enneagram Association. Certified: ©iEnneagram Practicioner
- Enneagram Spectrum Training and Certification, Dr. Jerome Wagner