
Know God, Know Yourself, and Increase Compassion for Others

We use the Enneagram (a personality style map) as a model for spiritual transformation and discipleship at Crossroads. The Enneagram tool helps people know God, know themselves, and have deeper compassion for all those around them. We offer periodic workshops, retreats, and small groups that help people live more fully alive and into their true self, their God-created and God-reflecting self.

What is the Enneagram?

You may or may not have heard about the Enneagram personality tool. We use this personality tool as part of our spiritual formation model.

If you search the web on “Enneagram” a lot of strange and confusing information can come up…just as if you Google any medical symptoms you have…you could think you have some rare tropical disease. In order to clear up any confusions, we have some trusted resources we recommend listed below. Some are from trusted business or psychological models, some are from a Trinitarian perspective including curriculum written by our pastors, Clare and Scott Loughrige.

Please use these resources if you want to know about the Enneagram, including the spiritual history it has in the church, and how it can be used as a tool to help people understand their God-given identity and help bring Christ-centered Spiritual transformation.

Enneagram at Crossroads:

The Enneagram has been used as a discipleship tool across our congregation through our Crossroads Transforming Retreats and participation in the ©iEnneagram Motions of the Soul (MOS). Below our the stories of people in our congregation who have seen the Enneagram as a tool of transformation in their life.

Silvia Blossom, Type 1, 2017 MOS Alum: "I attended the very first Motions of the Soul Workshop back in 2017… and what a great journey it has been for me since! I most identify with the Enneagram One personality style and at first strongly disliked that fact (of course, the instinct’s first reaction)! I am a competency type as well and learning about and subsequently allowing the Holy Spirit to direct this journey through the Harmony triad teaching has been life-changing! My biggest takeaway and growth step has been balance! The freedom I have found in utilizing my 7 (head), 4 (heart) and 1(gut) spaces has meant holding open spaces for being the person God has created me to be." Lindsey Marks, Type 2, 2018 MOS Alum: "Growing up, I always knew that I was a big "feeler." I often felt that I didn't know what to do with the vastness of my own emotions, and that others weren't always so sure what to do with them either. I learned to live my life in patterns that were led by my passion and emotional energy, sometimes carrying me to the next right step for my journey, but often thrusting me heart long into situations that ended up deeply wounding me. The Motions of the Soul training offered me the opportunity to learn a new way of appreciating, understanding, and embracing my whole self, including my head and gut, and practicing a flow and rhythm of listening to all the ways God speaks to and through me. This approach has carried me peacefully into better discernment and has been an invaluable tool for leveraging and restraining my strengths and gifts." Griffith Brown, Type 6, 2022 MOS Alum: "My biggest takeaway from the Enneagram training was recognizing the ways in which mind (IQ), heart (EQ), and gut (GQ) can be integrated in my life. As someone who primarily operates out of his head, I sensed God's invitation to intentionally access my heart and gut places more regularly. It has been eye-opening to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in these new ways since the training."

Enneagram History:

For more detailed information, read the history section in the Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram book by Calhoun/Loughrige.

Recommended Web Sites:

InterVarsity Press has created an Enneagram website specifically for Christians as a central place to find resources and articles that help us (and others) advance on our journey toward wholeness and God. The idea for the Enneagram Today web site was born to be a curated collection of Enneagram resources and articles for evangelical Christians.


Recommended Facebook Pages:

Enneagram Motions of the Soul: Clare and Scott Loughrige

Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram

Recommended Enneagram Series on YouTube:

Crossroads Church and Ministries “Enneagram: A Tool for the Good News” Series

Recommended Books:
Books by Pastor Scott and Pastor Clare Loughrige:
Books by other trusted Christian Authors:
Recommended Articles
Articles by Pastor Clare Loughrige:
Articles by Christianity Today:
Articles by Others:

Recommended Enneagram Training & Certification Courses

Enneagram Test

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Reach out to our Enneagram director.