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“Egg My Yard”: CR YOUTH missions fundraiser

April 19

Egg My Yard Fundraiser Event

“Egg My Yard”:
CR YOUTH missions fundraiser


To hire our Youth to “Egg Your Yard”

register at the link (below)

or click here.

Suggested Donation: $40 (for 2 dozen eggs)

  • The proceeds raised will be for our CR YOUTH “missions” fund. We will be taking interested students on a missions/serve day in Michigan this summer as a stepping stone to help us go on a longer and farther away missions trip next year.
  • You are welcome to donate additional amounts to go towards our Missions Trip Fund if you like.

What to Expect:

  • 24 plastic stuffed eggs (with assorted candy and/or trinkets)
  • Eggs hidden (or dropped off) at your home by our CR YOUTH on the evening of Saturday, April 19 (time TBD)

Your Location:

  • We ask that your home (or egg hiding location) be within a 15-mile radius of Crossroads Church. Thank you!



Reach out to our leaders organizing this event:

Questions? Contact the event organizer.


Stacey Livingston
269-781-9094 x19