Growth & Development Classes
We offer several classes and book studies throughout the year, led by various facilitators. Current class offerings are listed on this page (at the bottom if you are using a mobile phone) or to the right (if using a computer or tablet). These are free to attend and the only fee associated would be purchasing the book or materials if required for the class or group.
Bible Classes & Studies
Crossroads offers various Bible classes & studies throughout the year. If you would like to know more or have questions, email our Pastor of Storytelling Hannah Mattson.
Online Bible Studies & Reading Plans
Following are some of our favorite online resources to complement your spiritual journey.
Pray As You Go
A daily prayer session, designed to go with you wherever you go. Pray-as-you-go uses the Lectionary as their daily Bible reading plan.
All About God
All About God is the Christian community for seekers, skeptics, and believers. We write compelling stories that reach out to skeptics, seekers, believers, and a hurting world with powerful evidence for God and the Good News of Jesus.
Starting with God
If this were a religion you could expect someone to give you all sorts of Rules. Rituals. Requirements. But when you asked Jesus into your life, you did not join a religion. Instead, you began a relationship with God, and that’s pretty amazing.
Purpose Driven
Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life shares daily insights and hope at
Dimensions of the Faith
Dimensions of the Faith at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary is a free online theological education program. The Ockenga Institute of Gordon-Conwell has taken seminary-level courses and adapted them to a ‘go at your own pace’ distance learning program which includes audio lectures and a study guide.
Biblical Training helps fulfill the Great Commission by providing world-class educational resources for making new and fully devoted followers of Christ within the context of the local church. Here you’ll find a free online seminary with a wide range of courses.