Need Food Assistance?
Doors will open at 5:30 PM and food distribution will be from 6-7:00 PM
Want to volunteer?
We need about 25 volunteers for this evening! If you are interested in being a member of our volunteer team please email, text, or call our Food Pantry Director Peggy Surls. Phone: 317.270.4214 or Email:
We so look forward to seeing you!!
If you have a food emergency:
If you are in need of food before the food pantry distribution night, please call 269-248-5707. Leave a message with your name and phone number. Your call will be returned as quickly as possible!
To Donate:
We are in need of donations of the following. If you want to donate NEW (unused) items from this list, they can be dropped off during our church office hours or on a Sunday morning:
Diapers (any size), Toilet Paper, Paper Towel, Kleenex, Laundry Detergents, Cleaning Supplies, & Soap/Toiletries
If you would like to donate financially to our Food Pantry fund click here to give online! (Select “Bread of Life Food Pantry” from the drop-down menu.)
Please remember:
The Food Pantry is intended for those with low incomes who are experiencing food shortages.