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Leading With Soul Formation Retreat

April 12 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Event Series Event Series (See All)

Formation Retreat: Contemplation & Action

Action and contemplation being inextricably bound.

This retreat will create space for contemplation and help us to notice how our intimacy God impact what we do in the world. As we engage our realities in contemplation, transformation becomes action.

Whatever you’ve lived (or are living) through, Jesus is in solidarity with you, having experienced wounds of every kind. When we recognize the sufferings of our time, what our heart beats for, and breaks for, we can live for the world’s well-being with our healing wounds.

“Jesus is God’s wounded healer: through His wounds we are healed.
When our wounds cease to be a source of shame, and become a source of healing, we have become wounded healers.” – Henri Nouwen


Retreat Facilitators:

Lead Pastors Clare and Scott Loughrige,
Crossroads Church and Ministries
Spiritual Rhythms for the Enneagram



Professor Mary Albert Darling, Spring Arbor University
God of Intimacy and Action


  • In-person
  • Online via Zoom

This event is part of the Leading With Soul Formation Retreats.

Retreat Cost“pay-what-you-like”

Make a donation in any amount you like at: https://ccmonline.churchcenter.com/giving/to/retreat-pay-what-you-like

If you would like more details about Crossroads Transforming Retreats, click here.

Questions? Contact the event organizer.


Hannah Mattson