A Prayer of Dedication

All Mighty God,
Give me Your Spirit, to love, nurture, encourage and teach my child to know You and receive Your love all the days of their lives.
Give me Your patient spirit,
one that listens deeply to my child.

Give me Your compassionate spirit,
one that is always ready to offer a soothing word and a healing touch.

Give me Your courageous spirit, one that is not afraid to speak out on behalf of children.
Forgive me when life’s worries keep me from fully enjoying life with them.

I welcome spiritual responsibility and dedicate my child back to You…

We as a church accept the responsibility to make Your church a safe place for children…
a place where children are celebrated, protected and loved.
A place where God’s image will not be distorted.
A place where the truth of God and the love of God is found through us.

In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

May the simplicity of coming to Jesus like a child, receiving His love, provision and blessing as His child be your this week and always. Amen.